payment options:
(Paytm): +917702777763
(Google Pay): +917702777763
(Phone Pe): +917702777763
Please email us the following details to on successfully completing your transaction - Profile ID, Email ID, Phone number, Membership Plan, Amount, Transaction Date, Transaction summary (if any).Online Transfer / Cash Deposit:
Bank: Punjab National Bank
Account Name: AradanaMatrimony
Account No.: 10771131001385
IFSC Code: PUNB0107710
Branch: Bowenpally Branch
City: Secunderabad
Bank: State Bank of India
Account Name: AradanaMatrimony
Account No.: 36339800553
IFSC Code: SBIN0007111
Branch: Mudfort Branch, Branch Code: 7111
City: Secunderabad
Please email us the following details to on successfully completing your online transfer / cash deposit - Profile ID, Email ID, Phone number, Membership Plan, Amount, Transaction Date, Transaction summary (if any).Send your money order to:
#705, 7th Floor, Eden Square
Beside Apollo Hospital, Sangeet X Roads
Secunderabad - 500 003.
Telangana, India.
Please mention your Profile ID, Email ID and Phone number along with your address while sending money order.In favour of: AradanaMatrimony
Send your DD to:
#705, 7th Floor, Eden Square
Beside Apollo Hospital, Sangeet X Roads
Secunderabad - 500 003.
Telangana, India.
Please mention your Profile ID, Email ID and Phone number on the reverse side of the DD.